“Maxeen, look at the size of South Africa,” she said pointing at the screen. “Yes,” I responded. “Ok, then look at the size of the UK. It probably fits into South Africa about six or more times.” “That’s right,” I said. “And now look at where you are going to move to! It’s not even a dot on the map!”
To this I actually laughed out loud. We were sitting on the couch in her flat looking at Google Earth. “What the hell are you even going to do there?!” her face a mixture of amusement and concern.
This was a question I had heard a lot since getting back to London and telling people I had decided to pack up my life and more to a new country… along with: Are you having an early ‘mid life crisis’? No. Are you moving for a man? No. Do you speak the language? No. And my personal favourite… Have you gone completely mad? – I’m not even going to justify that one with a response. In any case, I am pretty sure that not many great things have been accomplished by people who continually played it safe. And I don’t play it safe.
I am moving to Greece.
When I set out on my travels in June last year, there was one little goal I had in place that I told no one about. I was on the hunt for a new home. In 2015 I was blessed to visit 14 different countries from as far away as South Africa, all the way to Serbia in Eastern Europe. I went alone, with my camera.
Of all the places I visited, it was a tiny island in the Ionian Sea that stole my heart… and tomorrow I get on a plane, Athens bound, to do the first leg of my journey back to my new home.
Some people have called it brave and inspiring. Others have said it is crazy and reckless. But to me, it just made sense to live somewhere beautiful, hot and photo-worthy for the bulk of the year. So what does this mean for my clients? Honestly… Nothing.
The bulk of my summer weddings take place in Europe anyway and I will still available for wedding bookings in the UK (where I will be spending the winter months from around November-March) and everywhere else – exactly as I am now. It just means that I will be more available to work in Greece and Cyprus from now on.
It also means that the blog will become a pretty awesome place for summer holiday and destination wedding inspiration, as I introduce you to all the things that make my new home wonderful (the first post goes live on Friday so don’t forget to come back and have a look!).
Much love,